Face blurring

by Spooqs

Blur all faces instantly in your videos with AI
  • 1-click ID protection of all people in your videos
  • Automatic AI face detection and tracking
  • Unlimited number of faces
  • Super easy to use
  • Keep the aesthetic quality of your videos
For videos

No competency required. All faces will be blurred in seconds.

Just grab a coffee while the AI does the blurring job for you.

For images

Just drag and drop your image, chose the way you want to hide the faces and then save your file.

No click, that’s all!

They love face blurring by Spooqs

Save time!

Face blurring by Spooqs allowed me to instantly blur all faces in my videos. That would have taken me much more time with other solutions commonly used on the market


Urbex Drone
& Film Making

Real game changer

Before using face blurring by Spooqs, I had to blur faces one by one or use ugly solutions. It took so much time and degraded my videos

Marie L.

Content Marketing Manager

So easy to use

Face blurring by Spooqs is an intuitive, low-resources, easy-to-use software

Jean P.


Our partners

Proudly made with ♥ in the French Alps, in Grenoble

Copyright © Spooqs 2023-2024. All Rights Reserved.

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